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Welcome to
The Ink Ministry Shop
Here you will find a collection of available art by the amazing Latisha Wood.

The Artist
Latisha Wood
Latisha Wood is the artist behind The Ink Ministry and has been creating art since as young as she can remember. Specializing in fine line tattooing, custom motorcycle painting, custom high heels and multi-medium fine artwork. Art that impacts the lives of everyone it touches.

Street Gospel Podcast - Featuring Me!
Click the link here to watch my guest spot on the wonderful Street Gospel Podcast!

Latisha's First Coastal Painting
Living in southern California and being a lover of the outdoors Latisha is surrounded by beautiful inspiration to create.

Street Legacy - So Cal Masters 2022
Curated by Bobby Ruiz and Dr. G. Jim Daichendt, Street Legacy features artworks from the diverse subcultures of Southern California.

Please be praying for the great things God has yet to do through this platform. Thank you for doing that and we hope you can take a piece home to encourage you in your life journey.